Our chefs specialize in authentic and delicious food. The staff at MY OWN Pizza is devoted to serving customers mouthwatering dishes that feature the highest quality ingredients available. MY OWN Pizzas are all prepared with love and delivered to you right away.
MY OWN Pizza uses only the freshest ingredients around, ensuring that every dish is of the highest possible quality. Not sure what you're in the mood for? Try one of our specialties including Spicy Pepperoni Pie and more.
Serving up pizza by the slice – fast – is what we're known for, but whole pies are available too. (Just be sure to give us up to 40-minutes during peak times) Slices are cut from our Whole Pies, and at 18" they're 65% bigger than any run-of-the-mill pizza!
Slices or Whole Pies available as Cheese, Pepperoni, or Specialty.
Sorry, no half & half on specialty whole pies. Food Allergy Warning: Please be advised that food prepared here may contain these ingredients: milk, eggs, wheat, sesame, tree nuts.

You will feel like you are back in a NJ/NYC pizzeria circa 1968 when you enter the My Own Pizza. It is modeled on the small family pizzerias/Italian cafes owner Peter Tabibian grew up with. The pies are prepared as they were 50 years ago and baked in 1960’s gas deck ovens which are still considered the Holy Grail for NY pizza. Peter began his culinary training at home in New Jersey in the 1950’s. His aunt and her family were great cooks from Italy and he became fascinated with their dishes as a young child. His family passion for NY pizza is going on 60 years and has won over thousands of fans around the world. Peter personally hand stretches and bakes every pizza direct on the oven stones which creates the ideal NY crust and are guaranteed to satisfy the NY pizza connoisseur.
For 10 years Peter been studying pizza and has created award winning pizzeria/bakery businesses in CA/TX/OH public schools that trained students with disabilities for competitive work. These programs gathered international attention and the mission continues with the Smiling With Hope Pizzeria. The pizzeria employs/trains people with Developmental Disabilities who currently make up 30% of our employees.
Peter has collaborated with an eclectic group of chefs from around the world famous NYC pizza maker who has made over 1,000,000 pizzas since 1960, recognized as one of the top 10 pizzerias in the country.
Expect great food and a warm family atmosphere of days long gone. Turn off your electronic devices, step back in time, and sit down and enjoy conversation and food with your neighbors as food is meant to be experienced.